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Zitate quentin tarantino. Django unchained movie quotes rotten tomatoes the tomatometer score based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics is a trusted measurement of critical re mendation for django unchained 2012 imdb directed by quentin tarantino with jamie foxx christoph waltz leonardo dicaprio kerry washington with the help of a german. Wer quentin tarantino einmal bei der präsentation eines italowesterns erlebt hat weiß wie sehr der filmemacher das genre liebt.
Zitate sprüche tausend zitate sprüche und gedichte. Django and his friend in gray here dr. Home quentin zitate quentin tarantino.
Von positiv romantisch bis hin zu nachdenklich traurig. Django jamie foxx a slave turned vigilante searches for his wife and vows to rescue her from the clutches of plantation owner calvin candie played by leonardo dicaprio.
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